In view of the entry into force in 2021 of the new energy labelling system in Europe, the Horizon 2020 program funded the BELT project with the aim of guiding consumers in more informed purchasing choices.
The project also aims to support producers, distributors and consumers during the transitional period towards the new labelling system.
Erion, together with Altroconsumo and other European consumer associations, will accompany citizens, distributors and producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment towards this change.
The project came to an end. If you would like more information, please write to us
Duration: 2019-2022
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847043.
ERION COMPLIANCE ORGANIZATION LLC – Limited Liability Cooperative Company – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 11344540965
Nominal capital euros 15.000