and certifications

The Erion System aims daily at absolute excellence in the organisation and management of all its internal and external activities. The five sector Compliance Schemes constantly apply and improve operational protocols based on the highest safety standards and certified processes of quality and environmental management.

Organisational model

Erion takes great pride in its image and its work based on respect for ethics, legality, transparency and fairness: values that constitute an essential guarantee and an indicator of trust for our Members and of corporate welfare for our employees. With this in mind, we have chosen to adopt an Organization, Management and Control Model (231 Model) compliant with Legislative Decree 231/2001 to ensure a sound internal control, promote a positive differential in the exercise of our activities and raise awareness of employees and collaborators on the principles of transparency and fairness.

All Erion staff is required to observe the Code of Ethics and Conduct introduced to promote virtuous behaviours among colleagues and the protection of corporate prestige and know-how. To monitor compliance with the Code of Ethics, a Supervisory Body has been appointed to which employees can report any behaviour or events that could involve a violation of the 231 Model.

ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

The Erion System guarantees its Members quality, efficiency and environmental excellence throughout the management process of the waste assigned to it, from the design phase of the service to its provision through collection, transport and treatment operations. Each Erion management year is timely reported in annual sustainability reports, summarising the environmental, economic and social benefits deriving from all the activities performed.

The Quality and Environment Management System adopted by Erion is certified in compliance with standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015, with certifications issued by ‘DNV’.