Technological innovation


The HARMONY project (Holistic Approach to enhance the Recyclability of rare-earth permanent Magnets Obtained from aNY waste Stream) aims to strengthen the independence and competitiveness of European industry by developing and validating, on a pilot scale, an innovative, eco-friendly, and safe closed-loop recycling process for rare earth elements from end-of-life (EoL) NdFeB permanent magnets.

The recycling cycle will include all phases of the value chain, such as the collection and disassembly of EoL NdFeB magnets from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), the recovery of rare earth metals through an indirect recycling process, and the production of recycled NdFeB powder via three direct recycling methods. Finally, the production of magnets from recycled powder and the validation of recycled magnets in final applications are planned.

The collection and recycling stages will be implemented through eight pilot processes, achieving a final TRL between 6 and 7. The combination of direct and indirect recycling technologies will enable the management of any NdFeB-containing waste in any form (sintered or bonded magnets). Recycled NdFeB magnets will be used in the same applications as magnets made from virgin powder, as they will exhibit comparable properties.

The economic, environmental, and social feasibility of the processes tested in the HARMONY project will be demonstrated through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA), and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Additionally, social innovations will be considered, including citizen engagement, policy issues, standardization, and ethics, to overcome non-technological barriers that hinder the short-term market introduction of these new technologies.

The project, in which ERION is involved along with 20 other partners, will last a total of 36 months starting in November 2023.

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