The network

The policies adopted by Erion regarding recycling and sustainability are emphasised by a constant dialogue with the most authoritative Italian and international industry organisations.

Being incisive in Italy means operating according to a global vision capable of involving our country’s most important companies and the European excellences of the waste industry.

This is our Network.

Italian organisations


Erion WEEE and Erion Professional are registered in the WEEE Coordination Centre (CDCRAEE), the body responsible for ensuring proper competition between collective systems in Italy, assigning to each of them the collection centres from where household WEEE must be collected.


Erion WEEE is an associate of the Permanent Observatory for the Protection of the Electronic Market in Italy (Optime), which has as its main purpose the pursuit and protection of fair competition between companies operating in the field of consumer electronics in Italy, and the compliance with the mandatory rules governing consumer protection.


Erion WEEE is a member of the Foundation for Sustainable Development, one of the most authoritative points of reference for the study and growth of the green economy in Italy. Founded in September 2008, the Foundation’s main objective is to spread and grow the culture and practice of sustainable development through the dissemination of studies and research, the organisation of information and discussion meetings, and the involvement of institutions and stakeholders on strategic issues of the green economy. Currently over 120 companies and 40 experts form part of the Foundation.


Erion is one of the signatories of the Italian Circular economy Stakeholder Platform (ICESP) established with the aim of encouraging the exchange of good practices at European level and promote concrete circular economy projects in Italy.


Erion Energy is part of the National Batteries and Accumulators Coordination Centre (CDCNPA), the national body set up to optimise the collection and management of batteries in Italy. Among the tasks of the CDCNPA are: organise the WBA collection network; ensure the reporting of data on the national streams; allocate the financing of activities among the various collective systems.


Erion Energy is a member of MOTUS–E, a non-profit association that brings together industrial, academic and environmental and opinion associations to facilitate the transition of the Italian transport sector towards electric mobility.


Erion is a member of APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione e la Ricerca Europea, which aims to support and facilitate Italy’s participation in EU Research and Innovation Funding Programmes through training, information and assistance services.


Erion is a member of AFIL – Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, which aims to foster research and innovation in various sectors, also addressing policies and promoting the dissemination of new technologies and production models, to further develop the competitiveness of the Lombardy production system. Erion is present and participates in several clusters of the Association.


Erion collaborates with CETMA, a Research and Technology organization. CETMA was founded in 1994 following a specific agreement between ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and MURST (Ministry of University, Scientific and Technological Research) with the aim to promote corporate innovation, with particular reference to Southern Italy.

CETMA has developed skills relating to materials engineering, computer engineering and industrial design. By using these skills in an integrated way, it is configured as a multidisciplinary entity for the innovation of products, processes and services capable of promoting and assisting the growth and development of the national production system and effectively addressing technological development activities. Research and innovation services are provided without distinction to any type of company and institution.


Italian Observatory of Critical Raw Materials and Energy is an initiative promoted by WEC Italia and Assorisorse to explore the topic of critical raw materials, spread knowledge and share public policy proposals on the topic.

International organisations


Erion WEEE is a member of WEEE Forum, the European association of WEEE management collective systems. The main objective of the non-profit organisation is the exchange of experiences and the sharing of know-how in the field of electrical and electronic waste.


Erion WEEE is part of the WEEElabex Organisation, an international non-profit body that supervises the training of auditors appointed to verify the effective compliance of the suppliers used by collective systems with the European standards on the collection, transport and treatment of WEEE.


Erion is proud member of PRONEXA – the leading Extended Producer Responsibility Network in Europe. PRONEXA is an alliance of the market-leading PROs of Europe with its central office based in Munich to offer producers a central point of contact for European Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and take care of EU-wide registration, take back and centralised reporting for WEEE, Battery & Packaging. It is the next level of the weee EUROPE joint venture founded in 2014.


Erion Energy is a member of Eucobat, the European association that comprises twenty collective systems for the management and recycling of Waste Batteries and Accumulators. Eucobat’s main activities include the gathering, cataloguing, exchanging and comparing information shared by members to promote the efficient functioning of WBA Compliance Schemes.

EIT RawMaterials

Erion is a member of EIT RawMaterials, a key European player promoting Europe’s transition to a sustainable economy since 2015.

EIT RawMaterials supports the security of supply of Critical Raw Materials for European industry by promoting innovation along the raw materials value chain. The mission of EIT RawMaterials is to transform raw materials into a major asset for Europe by stimulating the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector through radical innovation, new educational approaches and driven entrepreneurship.


Erion is a member of ETP – The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing, the largest open European network of professionals engaged in textile and clothing research and innovation. The Platform was created to match the research and innovation needs and priorities of the European industry (represented by companies, associations and clusters) with the knowledge, scientific and technological capabilities of universities, research organizations and technology developers, in order to increase the competitiveness of the sector through enhanced collaborative research and innovation.

Erion is also included in the TEPPIES programme, an intermediary system for members to facilitate access to EU funding.

Other associations we collaborate with

The Erion System works in close collaboration with Trade Associations and Federations that bring together small, medium and large Italian companies from the sectors involved in the management of WEEE, WB and Packaging Waste.


Association of Household and Professional Appliances Manufacturers


National Federation of Electro-technical and Electronic Companies, member of Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry


National Association of Consumer Electronics Importers and Manufacturers


Association of manufacturers of air conditioning systems


Italian association of manufacturers of machinery, plant and equipment for food production processing and preservation


National association representing companies in the toy sector


Association of Italian watchmakers and distributors


Association of producers, distributors and sellers of musical instruments

Erion and Epron, a twinning for the environment

Since January 2021 Erion is twinned with Epron, the first Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) for electronic waste in Nigeria. The meeting between these two realities is born as part of the Twinning Program promoted by the WEEE Forum with the aim of helping emerging consortia to develop effective and efficient non-profit systems in their countries.


The twinning formula, which follows the virtuous model already adopted by several cities around the world, voluntarily unites the members of the WEEE Forum to the new Producer Responsibility Organisation to allow the latter to accelerate their technical and intellectual learning process in the management of E-Waste.