Our Partners

Interzero Italy

The Erion System guarantees its associates the expertise and qualified professionalism to successfully address all issues relating to Extended Producer Responsibility.

For the executive phase of the waste collection, transport and treatment processes whose management falls under the responsibility of each sector Compliance Scheme, Erion has chosen to rely on the experience of the services company Interzero Italy.

Interzero Italy is the reference point in the recycling industry for its ability to select and coordinate, throughout the national territory, logistics operators and treatment plants of the highest environmental standards.

Interzero Italy is not only Erion System’s main contractor for the management of the waste under its responsibility, but also the partner for the design and implementation of innovative programs for the circular economy. Interzero Italy has as its majority shareholder Interzero, one of the reference groups in Europe for waste recycling and valorisation services, while Erion holds a minority stake in the company.

This strategic structure, based on close cooperation with a solid and experienced operating partner, represents an important added value to both Erion Members and treatment plants operating in Italy.