Studies and Proposals

The evolving scenarios of critical raw materials

Critical raw materials are now essential prerequisites for the development of strategic sectors and are particularly significant for industrial production with strong potential for future growth, starting with technologies for the ecological transition. Critical raw materials are, in fact, used in wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, and batteries.

Due to the concentration of production in third countries, the European Union, in addition to investing significantly in domestic production, can achieve a significant contribution from recycling technological products by enhancing a circular economy paradigm.

In order for the recycling of technological products to become a strategic lever to reduce supply risks for Italy, it is necessary to act on 3 levels: regulations, volumes and plants equipment, with the ultimate goal of developing local supply chains.

This is what emerges from the research “The evolving scenarios of critical raw materials and the recycling of technology products as a strategic lever to reduce supply risks for Italy” carried out by The European House – Ambrosetti on behalf of Erion.

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