Studies and Proposals

Opportunities for the WEEE sector within the Critical Raw Materials Act

The Study “Opportunities for the WEEE sector within the Critical Raw Materials Act” updates and complements the work presented in 2022 by Erion and The European House – Ambrosetti on the evolving scenarios of Critical Raw Materials and the recycling of technological products, in light of the publication (March 2023) of the Critical Raw Materials Act proposal by the European Union.

Among the objectives of the proposal is the use of recycled materials in new products. For secondary materials to be properly reused in industrial production, the promotion of sustainable consumption and consumer awareness, the development of innovative collection models and the construction of an adequate engineering network for recycling are essential in all sectors in which Erion operates.

In summary, these are the 5 key messages of the Study, created by The European House – Ambrosetti on behalf of Erion:

1 The European Commission’s latest report “Study on the Critical Raw Materials for the EU” of March 2023 expanded the scope of CRMs (listing 34 of them) and introduced the definition of Strategic Raw Materials.

2 CRMs are relevant to multiple industrial ecosystems: in Italy they account for about EUR 686 bn in industrial production (equal to 38% of Italian GDP in 2021).

3 China is now the world’s main supplier for 65% of Critical Raw Materials.

4 If properly recovered and recycled, e-waste makes it possible to reduce dependence on CRMs, enabling economic, social and environmental benefits.

5 In order for the recycling of technological products to become a strategic lever to reduce supply risks for Italy, it is necessary to act on 5 dimensions: regulations, volumes, plant engineering, manufacturing production and consumer awareness.

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