Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) play a very important role for countries’ economies since they are fundamental input in the internal industrial production. However, their mineral deposits are unevenly located in the world so that only few specific countries can rely on their internal mining extraction. For this, in order to promote diversification in the supply of materials and circular economy, the European Union is currently giving a strong boost to research in this field, funding projects related to recovery of Secondary Raw Materials (SRMs).
Within this framework, FutuRaM is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program. It aims to map stocks and flows of Secondary Raw Materials, in specific of Critical Raw Materials, to facilitate the exploitation of SRMs and CRMs. In the project a methodology and reporting structure will be created for the reorganisation, update and enhancement of current raw materials knowledge.
Focus of FutuRaM project will be on six different waste streams: Waste Batteries, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV), Mining waste, Slags and Ashes and Construction and Demolition Waste.
In this, ERION WEEE, partner of the project, will be involved in the set-up of an approach for the development of CRMs datasets. In addition, ERION WEEE will help in the characterisation and quantification of CRMs in the in the WEEE and Battery case studies, sharing its knowledge and experience in the field.
Duration: 2022-2026
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101058522
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