Our News

July 2024

Shared solutions for common problems: European countries must collaborate towards a pan-European approach to recycling

Interview with Naoko Tojo, Associate Professor in environmental product law and policy at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University, Sweden, on the evolution of Extended Producer Responsibility. “Monitoring and control initiatives are largely insufficient. If the responsible public institutions do not change their approach, why should producers commit to reaching the targets?” >
October 2022

International E-Waste Day 2022: “Recycle it all, no matter how small”

Interview with Pascal Leroy, Director General of the WEEE Forum: “This year 24 million tonnes of small e-waste will be produced worldwide ‒ about four times the weight of the Great Pyramid of Giza”. >
May 2022

Dal net zero alla riforestazione. L’impresa di riconoscere il greenwashing

Molte aziende vedono la sostenibilità come puro business, altre tentano di nascondere gli impatti climatici sotto il tappeto. Le difficoltà nel verificare i green claim e alcuni casi eclatanti di greenwashing >
April 2022

Solo la circolarità può “guarire” la carenza di materie prime. Il Rapporto 2022 Cen-Enea

Il quarto rapporto del Circular Economy Network, con un contributo ad hoc di ENEA sulla simbiosi industriale, si incentra sulla difficoltà di reperimento delle materie prime e dell'energia. Per raggiungere l'autosufficienza serve puntare sul disacoppiamento tra crescita e risorse >
February 2022

President’s column – Dario Bisogni: “An anachronism called greenwashing”

Lying about one’s own qualities of sustainability has never been appropriate, but it is even self-defeating in the Europe of the great ecological transition. A reflection by Dario Bisogni, President of Erion WEEE >
May 2021

Erion presents its first Sustainability Report

Erion Sustainability Report, the one relating to 2020, a year characterized by great challenges that we had to adapt to very quickly as organization and as people. >
May 2021

The success of the NRRP will depend on our ability of acting as a System

Green revolution, ecological transition and WEEE. Interview with Dario Bisogni, President of Erion WEEE >
February 2021

Nuova etichetta energetica: linee guida per i produttori

La transizione verso la nuova etichetta energetica si sta attuando più facilmente grazie al progetto BELT, di cui Erion è partner, che fornisce formazione tecnica a produttori, distributori e rivenditori. Scopri obblighi e tempistiche >
February 2021

Batteries, new EU Regulation: “It will solve some problems, but it will create new ones”

From portable ones to lithium-ion ones up to large industrial accumulators, cells and batteries represent the technology of the future for a green European Union. The Commission presents guidelines to regulate its production, use and recycling. Interview with Peter Coonen, Chairman of Eucobat, the European association of national battery collection systems >
October 2020

Erion presents the magazine economiacircolare.com

Erion presents the magazine economiacircolare.com Promoted together with the Environmental Conflicts Documentation Center (CDCA), the new... >
September 2020

Comes to life Erion, the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility System

Comes to life Erion, the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility System Created by the merger... >
September 2020

International E-Waste Day is celebrated on 14th October 2020

International E-Waste Day is celebrated on 14th October 2020 The event, organized by the WEEE Forum,... >