Research and Innovation

In full compliance with environmental sustainability.

find out more
01 - Research and Inovation
02 - Education
03 - Technological innovation
04 - System innovation

The process of transition towards the circular economy passes from the ability of companies to generate value in full compliance with environmental sustainability.
Erion is committed to promote this evolution with a direct participation in European research projects on eco-innovation of products and the manufacturing processing necessary to make them. Our experience in the field of waste management and the ten-year collaboration with players in the sector are put at the service of international partnerships with scientific organisations, industrial entities and universities.

Heart of this action is our Strategic Development & Innovation (SDI) team, who deals with the continuous development of innovative services dedicated to Producers and follow research activities related to projects financed by the EU in terms of circular economy. Among these, for example, initiatives that have been promoted by EIT Raw MaterialsEIT Climate-KIC and Horizon 2020, the maxi research program established in 2014 by the European CommissionSDIs experts are also involved in training initiatives aimed at schools and public events to raise awareness on the issues of climate change and energy efficiency.

European projects

Erion’s Strategic Development & Innovation team is currently actively involved in these major European projects.

Educational projects

Technological innovation

System innovation